Sophie Curtis (psychologist)

Sophie Curtis (psychologist)


Sophie is a Clinical Psychologist with many years of experience in both private practice and public mental health. She practices a collaborative approach with her clients and understands the importance of creating a trusting therapeutic relationship.

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Sophie accepts referrals of clients 18 years and over and is registered to provide services under Medicare. She is also accredited to deliver non-directive pregnancy support counselling.

Sophie completed her studies in Melbourne before working in community and crisis public mental health services as well as in private practice. She values a holistic approach to well-being.

Her therapeutic approach is grounded in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy but she also utilizes a variety of approaches informed by compassion-focused therapies, psycho-dynamic models and elements of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.

Away from work, Sophie enjoys keeping active and spending time at the beach with her dog Hugo.

Areas of interest:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Adjustment difficulties
  • Perinatal mental health
  • Parenting challenges
  • Stress
  • Burnout
  • Self-esteem and body image issues
  • Relationship challenges
  • Life transitions